Direct consultation is free to all to contact Dr.Gurudeva either by phone: 732-448-0667(U.S.A) or in person.-:- Talk to Dr.Gurudeva and know the solutions to your problems. -:- Gems are considered as the first remedial measure to doshas, malefic effects of planets. -:- Rings made with gems should be open on their backside except for Diamond. -:- Gems can be worn either as pendants or rings. -:- Each gem should be worn on a designated finger only. -:- Gem weight must be calculated on the basis of Strength of the planet in horoscope, Age and Weight of the person. -:- Never remove your lucky gems from your body once worn in auspicious time. -:- Only certain gems are suitable to the person. -:- Gems must be worn in auspicious time to get the excellent results. -:- Indraneelam is the most powerful gem among all gems. -:- Gems yield results in Dasas or Antar dasas of planets. -:- Yellow sapphire is not suitable to everyone, even though Guru is a natural benefic planet.

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Sade Sati in your Horoscope

Usually sadhe sati comes in 3cycles of 2 1/2 years, totaling of 7 1/2 years, hence the name "Sade saath sati". The 1st Sade-sati is said to affect the parents, the 2nd the self and the 3rd the children. Each cycle of sade saath take place when sani transits 12th, 1st and 2nd houses from Moon sign. But in practically 3rd cycle is dangerous compared to 1st and 2nd. If Saturn is yoga karaka planet to the native, it would not affect much. If Sade sati came in childhood age (before 10 yrs age) ,the child will not see bad effects of Sade sati. Sade sati coming in Middle age is very dangerous and damage native`s professional,financial and family life.

Malefic effects of sani on the native may cause separation from family, increased expenditure, imprisonment, miseries, loss of wealth, fatigue, loss of relationships, hurdles and delay in activities, fluctuations in jobs and failure in attempts. If you follow perfect remedies to Sade sati , you can override this bad time period with minimal impact. Here we analyse your horoscope thoroughly  and give you Sade sati report along with perfect remedies as per your horoscope.

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